Say Goodbye To The Traditional Reception Stage

Submitted by kalyan on Thu, 10/15/2020 - 21:40
Decor Ideas for Wedding Reception

Newlyweds sitting on a reception stage and greeting their guests have become a thing of the past. These days, the new couple prefer to mingle among their well-wishers and make the most memories of their special day. From selfie corners to fairy lights, the onward movement of reception venues has gone through a huge change. You can turn your reception party into a memorable event by adapting some of the newer trends mentioned below:
Photo Booth
Replace your wedding stage decoration with a beautifully decorated photo booth. You can add a lot of props that your guests can pick from to add some more flavour to the photographs.
Comfy Seating Area
Rather than setting up uncomfortable seats, you can set up a comfy sofa area in the corner. This can be decorated with fresh flowers and twinkling lights for added attraction.
Outside Backdrop
If you are planning on having your reception outdoors, you can use the trees and the flowers in the area to add charm and beauty to your reception. You can wrap fairy lights around the trees, or tie ribbons to branches and so on to add some colour to the event.
Tent House Décor
If you are planning a reception at the beach, a tent house décor will work perfectly. You can either go for a casual style or make it as formal as you like.
At the end of the day, it is up to you to decide how you want to decorate your reception venue. After all, there are plenty of ideas to choose from!

Ideas & Tips, Food & Decor, Wedding Planning, Wedding Decor, Reception Stage, Photo Booth, Comfy Seating, Outside Backdrop, Tent House Decor