Post Wedding Ritual In Tamil Nadar Weddings – Thiruneerpoosuthal

Submitted by kalyan on Sat, 09/19/2020 - 01:47
Thiruneerpoosuthal in Tamil Nadar Wedding

Weddings are happy occasions where two families unite in celebration. They come together to bless a new couple who is all set to bring more joy to the world. The traditions and values followed during each ritual have a lot of meaning and significance in the new couple's upcoming journey. The Tamil Nadar community takes each one of these rituals seriously and engages in them wholeheartedly.

What is Thiruneerpoosuthal Ritual in Tamil Nadar Weddings?
The post-wedding customs are intended to welcome the couple into both families happily. The custom of Thiruneerpoosuthal has great importance as this is one function where the elders of the family bestow their blessings and prayers upon the couple. Thiruneer means Vibuthi (holy ash) and poosuthal means applying. It takes place right after the Paalum Pazhamum function. 

The elders of the family apply the holy Vibhuthi onto the bride’s and groom’s foreheads with sincere blessings in mind. This enables them to feel welcome into the new families and start an auspicious life. It is believed that with the blessings of the elders and ancestors of the family, the new couple will be able to stand strong in difficult times and sail their boat together amidst troubled waters. Vibhuti is considered to be sacred and holy, so applying this to the forehead gives the new couple positive energy. 

During the Thiruneerpoosuthal ceremony, the relatives share a special bond as they bless the couple with a happily married life. The event, full of traditional family rituals, is also a great time to catch up with cousins and other friends. It is during such events that the whole family puts aside their busy routines and relax in the comfort and presence of their loved ones.

Tamil, Nadar, Post-Wedding Rituals,Thiruneerpoosuthal