Pre Wedding Ritual In Tamil Nadar Weddings - Garlanding Ceremony

Submitted by kalyan on Fri, 09/11/2020 - 00:45
Garlanding Ceremony in Tamil Nadar Weddings

The Tamil Nadar wedding is an event that leaves you awestruck with all the festivities. There are customs and rituals each day which are believed to be auspicious for a great beginning. These wedding rituals are rich in cultural value and are filled with aesthetic beauty. You can see the culmination of age-old tradition celebrated in modern times in subtle and simple ways. There are a series of pre-wedding as well as post-wedding rituals that keep you engaged and interested throughout the entire function.

What is the Significance of Garlanding Ceremony in Tamil Nadar Weddings?
The flower garland wearing ceremony is considered to be the first of the many rituals in the Tamil wedding. Once the marriage has been approved and fixed, the auspicious date and time (Muhurtham) are fixed by the elders of both families. On a particular date before the wedding, the groom's relatives including his mother, sister and cousins pay a visit to the bride's home. They bring along a lot of gifts like dresses, jewellery, snacks, etc. The most important and interesting feature is the arrival of Maalai, i.e. the garlands and other floral decorations for the bride. The mother-in-law garlands her to-be daughter-in-law and decorates the bride with flowers. If the groom’s mother is not able to attend this ritual, the garlanding is done by his sister. 

The other female members also help decorate the bride with beautiful flowers. She is made to look her best with all pretty flowers. This ritual is an event where the bride can get to know her new family members and can bond with them. She also gets the blessing of all her relatives as well as that of the groom. The to-be mother-in-law also applies Vibhuti or Kumkum on her forehead as a sign of blessing and prosperity.

The Garland ceremony is a joyful and interesting event as it is full of happiness and laughter. The whole atmosphere is filled with positive vibes and the fragrance of beautiful flowers.

Tamil, Nadar, Pre-Wedding Rituals, Garlanding Ceremony